The United Nations Partnership on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNPRPD) is a unique partnership that brings together UN entities, governments, OPDs and broader civil society to advance the rights of persons with disabilities around the world. It was established by a subset of members of the IASG-CRPD in 2011.

The Partnership was created to foster collaboration between its members and complement their work around disability inclusion through UN Joint programming. The Partnership operates through a Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) established to channel resources for participating UN organizations (PUNOs).

The UN entities participating in UNPRPD are ILO, ITU, OHCHR, UNDESA, UNDP, UNICEF, UNESCO, UNFPA, UN Women and WHO. Other UNPRPD members include the International Disability Alliance with a permanent seat in the governing bodies as well the International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC).


“UNPRPD is an effective vehicle for joint programming to help countries assess the actions they should take to imple­ment the CRPD and to help build the legal and institutional capacities needed to do so”.

Independent Evaluation on Disability Inclusion 2017 – UNDP

Impact Goal

UNPRPD Fund’s impact goal is to reduce the inequality and exclusion for all persons with disabilities within and across countries.


UNPRPD Fund’s overarching vision is for the rights of persons with disabilities to be fully respected, protected and fulfilled, and for all persons with disabilities to fully and equitably participate in society.


UNPRPD Fund’s mission is to support countries to accelerate the implementation of the CRPD and disability-inclusive Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for all persons with disabilities with the full involvement of OPDs. UNPRPD Fund supports reforms of structures and systems in order to advance CRPD implementation, prioritizing low- and middle-income countries.

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