
Country Programmes

Improving access to services and participation of persons with disabilities on the conceptual framework of UNCRPD and ICF

Start Date Ongoing End Date
01 JUL201431 JUL2019
Program Status
Programme Budget
US$ 549,506

Implementing Partners

  • UNDP
  • Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
  • Ministry of Education and Sciences
  • Ministry of Health
  • National Coalition of Disability Organizations
  • Organizations of Parents of Children with Disabilities

The Programme

An integrated social service reform process launched by the Government of Armenia in 2012 created an institutional platform for the alignment of the disability assessment model in the country with a rights-based model informed by the CRPD and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). The precursor to this was the introduction of inclusive education in Armenia and the revision of assessment tools for learners with disabilities within the education sector based on the ICF. This highlighted the need for developing a common approach and understanding around disability and harmonizing service delivery across sectors – education, health, employment and social protection – as disability is multidimensional and addressing the rights of persons with disabilities requires an intersectoral approach. This resulted in a ministerial commitment to a multidimensional assessment of disability in line with the ICF. The UNPRPD Project that commenced in October 2014 aimed to operationalize this commitment. The project is supporting a nationwide transition to a new disability assessment process and stronger linkage of the assessment process to allied service delivery based on a rights-based understanding of disability, as well as a roadmap for inclusion of persons with disabilities in all spheres of life.

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