• Strategic Approaches

The UNPRPD Fund will achieve its mission by supporting countries to design, implement and reform national policies, plans, budgets, programmes and services with the meaningful participation of OPDs so that they comply with the CRPD and disability inclusive SDGs.

Country-level joint programming is UNPRPD’s core focus and unique value proposition. It is the top strategic priority to achieve desired impact and comprises the majority of UNPRPD funds. Under the Strategic Operational Framework 2020–2025, country-level joint programming is supported by two additional strategic approaches ensuring that activities will be mutually supportive.

To know more on our strategic approaches please read the following document:

Design and deliver targeted capacity building to program stakeholders to secure a unified understanding of the CRPD and translate it into practical ImplementationGenerate and share knowledge tools and systems to address gaps in technical knowledge on essential preconditions for CRPD ImplementationContext-relevant capacity building on inclusive systems and policiesKnowledge management and lessons learnedCatalytic funding for national and multi-country joint programing on disability inclusionWORK STREAM 1COUNTRY LEVEL JOINT PROGRAMS TO ACCELERATE CRPD INCLUSION:Nationally-owned and anchored joint programs on national priorities on CRPD implementation and the essential preconditions for its realization.WORK STREAM 2DISABILITY INCLUSIVE NATIONAL PLANNING AND MONITORINGCore package of support to increase disability mainstreaming in SDGs process through the UN’s collective response WORK STREAM 3MULTI-COUNTRY JOINT PROGRAM TO PILOT CRPD IMPLEMENTATION TOOLSMulti-country joint programs to point and test knowledge tools, providing concrete guidance on workable tools before scaling them up